Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sunday, July 25, 2004 7:25 AM CDT

Aidan has really changed in the past six months. He's gone from a frail 29 pounder who scooted around on his rear in order to get around, to a 36 pounder who is trying hard to run! The extra "tone" in his left leg makes it difficult for him to get to full speed, but he does pretty well!

He is playing more with his little brother Patrick who is now 20 months old. Patrick imitates Aidan faithfully and most of the words in his vocabulary come from Aidan. He even uses Aidan's walker sometimes and when he finds Aidan's brace lying around, he asks me to put it on him.

The latest medical news is that Aidan had a follow-up CT scan of his head. He has had no neurological problems since his shunt removal in January, but the CT was done to make sure his ventricles are unchanged. We won't hear the results until his neurosurgery appointment in August.

His liver numbers are still just a little elevated but are coming down.

Aidan's toilet training is coming along very slowly. His eating is much better, though; he asks for everything he sees his siblings eating, and the other day ate half a bowl of popcorn. Perhaps this will be the year he finally is able to make progress towards losing his G Tube which he has had now for over four years.

Next week we are travelling up north (me-- Aidan's mom-- and the 7 kids) to a homeschool camp-out. I am sure it will be an adventure since Aidan is still a wanderer, MUCH more so than Paddy; it will be a full time job keeping him within boundaries!

Last but not least, Aidan has a new baby cousin -- Declan Jack Ryan was born June 25th, which makes him one month old today!

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