Thursday, March 27, 2008

Saturday, March 17, 2007 1:15 AM CDT
Happy St Patrick's Day!

Aidan's still doing great! He is learning to sound out words and can write capital A's. We have about 50 A's written all over the dust coating on our mountain Suburban. He has finally learned how to count fairly reliably but right now he's obviously more of a literary type like his Mom than a math type like his Dad. However, in all other ways he is a somewhat battle scarred carbon copy of his Daddy.

He and his little brother Paddy are finally starting to click as buddies. One of their favorite activities is racing, as in the grocery store: Hey, let's race down the aisle. For this reason we like Costco which has the double seats on the grocery cart. It is called containment.

They will both be signing up for T-ball later today. Aidan keeps asking "When do I go to T'ball? Today?" It will come soon! He likes the thought of Paddy being a teammate. Paddy is young at four to enter the world of competitive sports but we are hoping that if they join together it will make it fun for both of them. Anyway, we'll get cute pictures and a T shirt and hat, at least.

Aidan's labs continue to be textbook normal, as the nurse said at his GI clinic last week. This is wonderful to hear every time. It will never be old to me.

Our snow is melting up here. This was the first winter Aidan has really been healthy enough and mobile enough to go out and really enjoy it. He is outside as much as he can be, sometimes dressed in shorts and his big brother's boots if I don't catch him : ).

The picture on the front page is of him in character in one of the home movies his older siblings like to make. He is the Inspector's assistant who catches the villain in this episode. You can tell he feels good about it.

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