Thursday, March 27, 2008

Saturday, February 7, 2004 11:59 AM CST

Aidan May Go Home Today: Part IV, or is it V?

His sodium levels came back lower, though still out of normal range. So the pediatric doctors need to consult with the nephrologists (kidney drs) to see if that downward trend is enough to get home, with follow up labs at home.

Basically, the past couple of days Aidan's medical treatment has consisted of --two cups of extra water per day! (15 oz). One of the nurses joked that that was pretty expensive water : ). Certainly, we have H2O in Shaver Lake too, though it doesn't include a view of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Aidan has been acting MUCH better today so maybe the high sodium was affecting his behavior a little. We do understand that the doctors need to make sure that the continuing high sodium level don't indicate any serious underlying cause, but at the same time we are anxious to get home. Perhaps today will be the day.

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