Thursday, March 27, 2008

Monday, January 12, 2004 3:15 PM CST

The latest news is that Aidan will be having neurosurgery on Tuesday or Wednesday. Since he is still partially dependent on his shunt, there is no possibility of simply removing it. But the neurosurgeons have decided to evaluate him for a relatively new surgery called an endoscopic third ventriculostomy. Aidan's Grandma found a link which explains it in fairly simple terms if anyone wants to know all the medical details.

Basically, if he qualifies (they are doing an MRI today to see if his brain anatomy is appropriate for the surgery), there is a 60 to 70% chance that he may not need to be shunted anymore. Obviously, this would be a wonderful outcome for him -- one less piece of hardware in his body and one less potential infection risk.

I (Willa) am still at home. My parents are flying in today to hold the fort with the older kids and I am travelling back to San Francisco either tonight or tomorrow morning with young Paddy. From Kevin's reports, everything at the ICU is going as usual except that Aidan has to be NPO (no food) for the MRI since it requires sedation.

More later, laundry and lunch preparation is calling!!

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